Saturday, November 15, 2008

In the corner of my mind

Are there places you've been that you just can't get out of your mind? Places that call to you and you just can't wait to experience again. This is how Wynand Fockink was for me... Yeah you heard me right... That is how it is pronounced, and just like everything else in Amsterdam it's a little naughty without even trying....

Same thing with the XXX all over the canals you see them everywhere and think to yourself "hey I'm not in the red light district right now, wtf?" Well that's how it is with this over 300 year old jenever and liqueur distillery and tasting room....

First aside from the fact the fact that it is the most quaint "Bar" like place I have ever been, the "Bartender" was really more of a jenever aficionado and educator who guided you through the history and the taste of these wonderful little bottles with a great sense of humor and skill. I remember it fondly and cannot wait to return.

While we were there We bought Bruidstranen' AKA The Bride's Tears', which is lovely and spiced and meant to be served in the days leading up the wedding, Jer and I had only been engaged 2 days so it was the obvious choice... I can't explain how excited I am for us to celebrate with this....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes it is INDEED a New Day!!!!!

Wow! It really is hard to come up with words to describe this emotion. It has been such a long time coming for us as a nation to really truly prove that we have done away with prejudices. I believe yesterday we showed ourselves (and the rest of the world) that the tenets that this country was founded are actually working, maybe even better than expected? It's just now starting to sink in for me.

I mean think about this folks…

This is important not because it means we can FINALLY get this country back in working order, finally but also because we…..

We the people, in order to form a more perfect union hired a BLACK MAN as commander and chief, leader of the free world. No affirmative action needed thankyouverymuch….

Ummmmm, Hellllllooooo?!??!? That Fucking ROCKS!!!!

I know it's everywhere but I love it, it just makes me smile...

Truth is, I have nothing against Senator McCain. I just know that this is far and away the best choice for a country with so much to give and so much to be.

I believe it was a good fight though, despite how the media has colored it I believe McCain held strong to who he was and ran a campaign with integrity. Also, I could give a laundry list plenty of reasons I think he would have made a fantastic president, only about 30 years ago…

The only thing I really questioned was his choice of VP, sure she was a lipstick pit bull (which I actually like) but she was also most certainly a very partisan candidate, with so many viewpoints the dead opposite of mine, and all of her tenacity and vigor just wasn’t good enough to make me forget that.

Basically what I am trying to say is just because I am a card holding member of the vag club doesn’t stop me from recognizing she’s a douchecougar.

At the tender age of 31 I have still seen my fair share of nasty, nasty campaigns and partisan politics, but all in all, the whole thing made me realize it is NOT our commonalities that make us different strong and better, it’s our differences. God bless our differences.

In honor of a couple of my favorite things, Sinatra and America, I’d like to share this clip that gets me very choked up (It would be dead perfect in my eyes without the pearl harbor “Jap” hating, but then again I’m a pacifist).

Keep on rocking in the free world!